The content of the common portfolio of services of the National Health System (NHS) is regulated in Law 16/2003, of 28 May, and in art. 2 of RD 1030/2006, of 15 September.
The common portfolio of services of the NHS is the set of techniques, technologies or procedures, understood as each of the methods, activities and resources based on scientific knowledge and experimentation, by means of which health services are made effective. It is articulated around the following modalities:
a) The basic common portfolio of medical assistance services of the NHS comprises all preventive, diagnostic, treatment and rehabilitation care activities carried out in health or socio-health centres, as well as emergency health transport, which are fully covered by public funding.
b) The supplementary common portfolio of the NHS includes all those benefits whose provision is made through outpatient dispensing and are subject to a user contribution: pharmaceutical benefits, orthopaedic and prosthetic benefits, benefits with dietary products and non-urgent medical transport, subject to medical prescription, for clinical reasons and with a level of user contribution in accordance with that determined for pharmaceutical benefits.
The percentage of the user's contribution shall be governed by the same rules that regulate the pharmaceutical benefit, taking the final price of the product as the basis for calculation and without applying the same limit on the amount of this contribution.
c) Common Portfolio of Accessory Services of the National Health System includes all those activities, services or techniques, without the nature of a benefit, which are not considered essential and/or which are adjuvant or supportive for the improvement of a pathology of a chronic nature, and which are subject to contribution and/or reimbursement by the user.
The user contribution or, where appropriate, reimbursement, shall be governed by the same rules that regulate the pharmaceutical benefit, taking as a reference the final billing price decided for the NHS.
Portfolio of complementary services of the Autonomous Regions (CCAA):
The Autonomous Regions, within the scope of their competences, may approve their respective portfolios of services, which shall include, at least, the common portfolio of NHS services, in its basic care services, supplementary services and ancillary services, guaranteed to all users of the NHS.
The Autonomous Regions may include in their service portfolios a technique, technology or procedure not included in the common portfolio of NHS services, for which purpose they shall establish the necessary additional resources.
In any case, these complementary services shall not be included in the general financing of NHS benefits. The Autonomous Regions will assume, from their own budgets, all the costs of implementing the complementary portfolio of services.