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Special School Insurance Scheme

Fixed payments for School Insurance are collected through the educational centres which teach curricula included within the scope of the insurance and charge the contributions with the enrolment fees for the academic year.

Educational centres will pay the amounts charged to the students within the following period: From the time when the student makes the payments until the last day of the month following the end of the enrolment period, at any of the financial institutions authorised to act as Collection Offices in the province where the Centre is located.

The Educational Centres are authorised to withhold the amount of €0.02  per enrolled student and per payment made from the respective payments as a collection premium.

Once aware of the contributions paid by students at the time of paying their enrolment fees, the Social Security Treasury General requests the related contributions from the General Directorate for Territorial Cooperation and Evaluation of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport . Payments of these contributions are made to the current account of the Social Security Treasury General at the Bank of Spain using the appropriate draft from the Ministry of Finance.

In accordance with article 60.4 of the Contributions Regulations, students who register at several centres during the same academic year need only make payments to one of them.

Legal Resolutions Effects Fixed Payment per Academic Year
Students Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport  TOTAL
R.D.  1633/85 of 28/8 (BOE of 14/9) From academic year 1985/1986 1.12 €1.12 €2.24


Since June 2017 two new services have been implemented to electronically manage obligations arising from School Insurance. These services are available via the RED System or the e-Office

These services are:

  • Issue Receipt of School Insurance payment settlement: you can obtain a settlement receipt for electronic school insurance payments.
  • Submit List of enrolled Students with School Insurance: to submit the list of enrolled students online.

For more information please consult the "Manual for online School Insurance management services" available on the website , in the section RED System/School Insurance.

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