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2024 Notices

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04/01/2024- Registration of students who carry out paid training internships

As communicated in the BNR 09/2023 of 5 July 2023, as of 01.01.2024, the identification of students doing external training or academic internships is done with the value 9939 of the RLCE field.

All registration movements with RLCE values 9922, 9923, 9927 or 9928 and FRA since 01.01.2024 are being rejected due to the error REAL REGISTRATION DATE NOT ALLOWED FOR RLCE TYPE.

In the event that these movements correspond to students who begin their internships as of 01.01.2024, they may be corrected through the RED System, only in the online modality, by means of the Modification/Deletion of previous movements functionality, changing the RLCE value initially noted for the value 9939. Once the movement has been corrected, the previous registration will be consolidated the following night.

In the event that these movements are a continuation of internships started prior to 01.01.2024, it is not possible to mechanise them through the RED System, and therefore the registration of these students on internships must be requested through the Casia procedure Affiliation, registrations and deregistrations / Registration of Worker employed by another Person / Paid internships RLCE 9928/27/23/22.

In any case, all these registrations that have been rejected through the RED System will be considered as having been submitted on time.

09 January 2024- RED News Bulletin 1/2024

The RED News Bulletin 01/2024 is now available in the RED News area. It contains the following items:

  • New version of SILTRA 3.5.0.

09/01/2024- New version of SILTRA Notice

New version of SILTRA 3.5.0.

As of 10 January, a new version of SILTRA will be available. Please note that the latest version of SILTRA available is version 3.4.0.

For those users who are upgraded to version 3.1.4. or later, the download will be automatic. Those with an older version will have to upgrade to the new version manually.
For proper operation of all functionalities, it is recommended to upgrade as soon as possible.


  • Modifications related to students in unpaid training internships:

    • For the communication of registrations and cancellations (see section Modifications in the configuration module).
    • For the communication of training days.
  • Modifications to Order ISM/835/2023 - Posted workers.
  • Modification of the field C.N.O. OCCUPATION for the 0112 scheme

    • The C.N.O. Occupation field for 0112 scheme becomes optional.
  • Modification of the field Agricultural Employment Promotion.
  • Update of table T-38 SPECIAL WORK REPORT TABLE

    Incorporation of new values.

  • New value table T-41 TYPE OF INACTIVITY

    A new value 20 in included - Parental leave. Future use.

  • New values for the Benefits field
    The following values are included:

    19 - TRAINING CONTRACT ART. 23 RDL 1/2023




    The paragraph of the SAA 002 is modified, changing its name to VICTIM GENDER/SEXUAL VIOLENCE.

  • Amendments to include "DE" action for the Special Scheme for Self-Employed Workers


Two new checkboxes have been added in the Configuration module, in the Application/CRA Remittance Processes/Affiliation/INSS/Validation Rules tab.

In addition to the options that allow you to control the validation of the contract and dates, two new options have been created to control the validation of the fields C.N.O. Occupation and trading group, so that validations on both fields can be inhibited.

08/01/2024- Documentation Requested by the Social Security General Treasury

Documentation Requested by the Social Security General Treasury

New subcategories called "Documentation Requested by the Social Security General Treasury" have been enabled in the Authorised Service and Support Service (CASIA) within the category for Providing documentation accrediting the Subjects of Affiliation, Contribution and Collection, the use of which will be limited to the remission of documentation upon application by any means outside CASIA, such as a Notification or Communication, and in which any of these catalogues have been specified for its provision.

22 January 2024- RED News Bulletin 2/2024

The RED News Bulletin 2/2024 is now available in the RED News area. It contains the following items:

  • New version of SILTRA 3.5 
  • Order ISM/835/2023 - Additional Affiliation Situations -SAA - 150 and 151.
  • Modifications in the field of the INSS.
  • General Law on Social Security. ART. 151. Additional contribution for fixed-term contracts. Exclusion from contracts for agricultural employment promotion programmes.
  • Workers' Statute - WS ART. 45.1.o) and 48.bis. Parental Leave.
  • LEY 20/2007. Art. 38 third. “Flat rate” Application for extension or waiver of the reduction for starting a self-employed activity. New service.
  • RETA. Service Management of various activities.
  • CRA files -Credited Retribution Items-. New validations.

18/01/2024- Improvements in the validations of files of credited retribution items (CRA) sent by remittances.

With the aim of improving the quality of the information received from the Credited Retribution Items (CRA), from the first days of February 2024 the following validations on the files will be operative:

  • In the event oferrors occurring at Scheme level, CCC or settlement period level (DDE Segment):

    The warning will be displayed with the reason for the error and the entire CCC will be rejected:

    • Error in Regime and/or CCC: the message “Error 2470-NON-EXISTENT COMPANY. CCC REJECTED.

    • Settlement Period: "Error 2474 ERRONEOUS SETTLEMENT PERIOD" will be displayed.

  • In case the error is at Registration Number level (TRB Segment):

    • The worker will be displayed with the corresponding error: "Error 2480 ERRONEOUS REGISTRATION NUMBER and the entire worker will be rejected.

      In this case, the worker shall not be considered as presented, for the purposes of compliance with the provisions of Article 147 regarding the communication of CRAs.

  • If the errors are at the level of the remuneration concept (CRE segment):

    The worker will be displayed with any misconceptions that have occurred, and the entire worker will be rejected. In this case, the worker shall not be considered as presented, for the purposes of compliance with the provisions of Article 147 regarding the communication of CRAs.

    The following error messages shall be displayed, according to the origin of the error:

    • Concept Remunerated: The Concept of Remuneration must be numerical, different from zero and must be registered in TABLE 84: KEYS FOR PAID REMUNERATION CONCEPTS. If these conditions are not met, the "Error 2490-ERRONOUS REMUNERATION CONCEPT” will be given.

    • ConceptIndicative ("I" / "E"):
      If the CRA indicative has a value other than 'I' or 'E', the "Error 2491-ERRONEOUS INDICATIVE" will be given. ALLOWED VALUES 'I/E''.
      In addition, it shall be verified that the value of this field for the remunerative concept reported corresponds to the information associated in the INCLUSION/EXCLUSION BBCC indicative (YES/NO value) of TABLE 84: KEYS FOR PAID REMUNERATION CONCEPTS so that, if an ineligible value is reported for an item, the error "2492-ERRONEOUS INDICATIVE FOR ECONOMIC ITEM" will be displayed.

      CRA Indicator Incorrect Indicator Warning
      0001 "I" If an "E" is returned in the Concept Indicative, the error 2492 "Wrong indicative for economic concept" will be returned.
    • Type of action: If the Action Type has a value other than ' ', 'A', 'M' or 'C'", the "Error 2493-ERRONEOUS ACTION TYPE" shall be given.

    • Amount: The amount cannot be negative; if it is, the "Error 2494-IMPORT CANNOT BE NEGATIVE" will be given.

17/01/2024- Release of new version of SILTRA 3.5.1

As of 18 January, a new version of SILTRA 3.5.1. will be available. This release fixes an issue that occurs with version 3.5.0 in some authorised installations whose network infrastructure causes a delay in functionalities related to affiliation messages, INSS and report printing. It also fixes an issue that occurs during the barcode font registration process in new installations.

For those users who are upgraded to version 3.1.4. or later, the download will be automatic. Those with an older version will have to upgrade to the new version manually.

30/01/2024- Release of new version of SILTRA 3.5.2


A new version of SILTRA 3.5.2 will be available from the evening of 30.01.2024. This version corrects an incident that occurs with versions 3.5.0 and 3.5.1 in the validation of National Social Security Institute (INSS) FDI version 6.0 files, which causes the movement to be rejected due to an error in the Contribution Basis.

For those users who are upgraded to version 3.1.4. or later, the download will be automatic. Those with an older version will have to upgrade to the new version manually.

06 February 2024- RED News Bulletin 3/2024

The RED News Bulletin 3/2024, which contains the following items, is available in the RED News area:

  • ORDER PJC/51/2024. General aspects. Minimum and maximum bases.
  • ORDER PJC/51/2024. Special agricultural system.
  • ORDER PJC/51/2024. Special system for domestic workers.
  • ORDER PJC/51/2024. Contracts for training and apprenticeship and alternating training contracts.
  • ORDER PJC/51/2024. Internships.
  • ORDER PJC/51/2024. Intergenerational equity mechanism.
  • ORDER PJC/51/2024. Contribution in the cases set out in Article 5 of Order ISM/835/2023.
  • ORDER PJC/51/2024. Contribution of bullfighting artists and professionals.
  • ORDER PJC/51/2024. Contribution of self-employed workers or freelance workers.

14/02/2024- Issue in the processing of CRA Files


It is reported that there is an ongoing issue regarding the new validations of the CRA Files reported in BNR 2/2024 of 22 January 2024.
The error is being analysed for proper resolution. We will inform you here as soon as it is solved.

16/02/2024- Resolution of the issue in the processing of CRA Files


In relation to the issue reported on 13 February regarding the validation of the CRA Files, we inform you that it has now been resolved.

Regarding the files that were affected by the incident, instructions will be provided shortly.

22/02/2024-Issue on the recording of unpaid internships days for remittances.


As a result of an issue, between 10.01.2024 and 08.02.204, all the movements corresponding to the notification of internship days for unpaid interns submitted via the remittance method (AFI files, MDP action) were rejected with error 9991* THE ACTION IS NOT DEFINED.

The issue that caused this rejection was rectified on 8 February, so that from that moment onwards no movement should have been rejected due to this error.

The affected movements cannot be recovered and will have to be resubmitted. It is reminded that the notification of the training days corresponding to the months of January, February and March 2024 can be made up to the penultimate calendar day of the corresponding regulatory payment period of Social Security contributions, and therefore up to 29 April, but in any case prior to the application for calculation of the corresponding settlement of contributions.

28/02/2024-Delay in the processing of CRA files


It is reported that there is a delay in the processing of CRA files. Work is underway to resolve it as soon as possible.

06/03/2024- New functionality: Company Database Query


A new functionality is now available online, which allows you to consult the information in the Company Database, as well as that of the persons linked to it.
The user manual can be consulted at RED System/RED Internet/RED Documentation/User Manuals/Affiliation .

08/03/2024- Parental leave.


As indicated in the RED News Bulletin 02-2024, we inform you that the value 20- FULL-TIME PARENTAL LEAVE- of the field TYPE OF INACTIVITY is already implemented for the identification of the parental leave established in the ART. 45.1.o) and 48.bis of the revised text of the Workers' Statute Law, with the registration and contribution conditions indicated in the aforementioned BNR 02-2024.
Likewise, another value, 21 - PARENTAL LEAVE FOR FULL-TIME PUBLIC EMPLOYEES - has also been implemented for the parental leave established in 49.g) of the revised text of the Law on the Basic Statute for Public Employees -TREBEP.

08/03/2024- International IT Management Network Notice


It is reported that, with regard toTemporary Disability caused abroad by workers insured in our country, the following documentation has been published which indicates how companies and workers should act in this circumstance:

  1. Instructions for action in the event of an international TD addressed to both companies and workers. This documentation is available on the Social Security website at the following link: Social Security: Publications (
  2. Explanatory info-video, which shows the steps to be followed by a worker who suffers a temporary disability abroad, and which is available on the Social Security website: How to manage Temporary Disability caused abroad - Info Video - Social Security (

08/03/2024- New version of application for the Online Management of Temporary Disability Reports (INCAWEB)


Please be informed that, as from Monday 11 March, a new version of the "ONLINE MANAGEMENT OF TEMPORARY DISABILITY REPORTS" (INCAWEB) service, located in the Online RED system, will go into operation. The modification consists of a simplification of the programme interface by reducing the number of tabs to two, one for recording reports and the other for report consultation, without affecting the functionalities hitherto existing in relation to the recording of IT reports.

Likewise, an updated User Manual has been prepared explaining the functionalities of this new version, which will be available in the section RED System/ National Social Security Institute/ Manuales de usuario.

13/03/2024-Advance ex officio closures March 2024


As a result of the dates on which the Easter holiday is celebrated this year, this March the official closures of both direct debits and electronic payments will be brought forward, with the following dates:

  • Direct debit: The closing date is brought forward to the 20th (the deadline for applications is 23.59 hours on the 20th), bearing in mind  that the financial institutions will make the charge on the 27th.
  • Electronic payment: The second closing date is brought forward to the 26th (settlements processed up to 23.59 on the 25th are included in the closing date). From the 26th automatic confirmations will be made when any action is carried out with the settlements (application for draft, file of bases, application for confirmation and rectification).

13/03/2024- New version of RECEMA application

New version of RECEMA application

We inform you that, as from 18 Marcha new version of the RECEMAapplication, located in the RED system, will be available. This new version will allow company certificates to be communicated as before.
In addition, a new version of the RECEMA User Manual for Birth Certificate Submission and Child Care (RECEMA User Manual) will be published and will be available, as of the same date, at the following link Manuales de usuario.
Any incident detected in the application by users should be communicated to the Spanish National Social Security Institute through the following mailbox:

22/03/2024- Closure of SLD


Due to the implementation of new functionalities in the Direct Settlement System, we inform you that it will be closed from 31 March until, expectedly, 3 April. Information on the reopening of this will be provided in due course.
This stoppage will not affect the receipt of contribution files, but will affect their processing, so no responses will be sent until reopening.
The shutdown does not affect the files or affiliation services, which will remain open.

21 March 2024- RED News Bulletin 4/2024

The RED News Bulletin 04/2024, which contains the following items, is available in the RED News area:

  • Additional Provisional 52 LGSS Paid internships started before 1 January 2024.
  • RDL1/2023 National Youth Guarantee System -SNGJ-.
  • RDL 1/2023. 6th DA Contracts signed by insertion companies.
  • RDL 1/2023. 7th DA. Personal Investigator.
  • RDL 1/2023. ART. 31: Persons recruited in specific sectors of activity and geographical areas.
  • Parental Leave.
  • Order ISM/835/2023. Situation assimilated to that of the registration of workers posted abroad in the service of companies that carry out their activity in Spanish territory.
  • Company Database. Query
  • Company contributions to employment pension plans in supplementary settlements.
  • Application for registrations and terminations via the RED System. Periods

25/03/2024- Clarification BNR04/2024 on the modification of the deadline for registration and deregistration in the Red System


In relation to the APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION AND REMOVAL THROUGH THE RED SYSTEM section. DEADLINES published in BNR 4/2024 of 21 March, it is communicated that the new deadline for the communication of registrations and cancellations - during the whole month corresponding to the REAL REGISTRATION DATE or REAL TERMINATION DATE, as the case may be, and in the month immediately following until the confirmation of the settlement of contributions - replaces the current 60-day deadline for the submission of registrations and cancellations after the deadline.
This modification in the deadlines for admission of registrations and cancellations through the RED System does not imply any modification in the effects of said registrations and cancellations, so that those registrations and cancellations submitted after the regulatory deadline, that is, after the start of the activity in the case of registrations, or after three days after the employment termination in the case of cancellations, will have as their effective date the date of notification and not the actual date of the movement.

03 April 2024- RED News Bulletin 5/2024

The RED News Bulletin 05/2024, which contains the following items, is available in the RED News area:

  • Order PJC/281/2024. Modification of order PJC/51/2024, developing the legal rules for Social Security contributions for the 2024 financial year.
  • Order PJC/281/2024. Minimum and maximum bases.
  • Order PJC/281/2024. Special System for Agricultural Workers employed by another Person.
  • Order PJC/281/2024. Minimum hourly bases.
  • Order PJC/281/2024. Partners in associated work co-operatives.
  • Order PJC/281/2024. Contracts of less than 30 days.
  • Order PJC/281/2024. Contracts for training and apprenticeship and alternating training contracts.
  • Order PJC/281/2024. Unpaid training internships.
  • Order PJC/281/2024. Special System for Domestic Employees.
  • Additional Provisional 52 LGSS Section 11. Inclusion in the scope of this A.D. in certain situations.
  • SILTRA. New version.
  • RD 322/2024. 2nd DT. Communication of data relating to Self-Employed Workers included in accordance with article 305.2 LGSS.
  • Communication of data on the Self-Employed Workers indicated in the previous section via txt files.
  • RD 322/2024. Amendment of the Contribution Regulation. New Article 72 bis.
  • RD 322/2024. Amendment of the Collection Regulation. Article 80.
  • RD 322/2024. Amendment of the Collection Regulation. 8th DA. Cases of compulsory direct debit of the payment of quotas.

03/04/2024- SLD Opening

SLD Opening
Once the new functionalities have been implemented in the Direct Settlement System, it is reported that it is now operational.

15/04/2024- New typologies of consultation type cases

New typologies of consultation-type cases

The following new types of consultation type cases have been included in the "CASIA (Coordination, Attention and Integral Support for Network Authorised Persons)" service for RED Authorised Persons:

  • Subject Affiliation, registration and deregistration
    Category: Special Agreements
    • CARBON and Professional Carers
    • Regular and other agreements
  • Subject Collection
    Category: Special Agreements
    • CARBON and Professional Carers
    • Regular and other agreements
  • Subject Collection
    Category: Debt
    Subcategory: Registration/recharge of benefits missing.

In addition, the cataloguing of the Procedure "Contribution Basis for Artist Worker during TD" has been modified within the Artists Subject, and is now included in the following route:

  • Subject: Contribution
  • Category: Artists
  • Subcategory: Contribution basis Worker Artist during TD

17 April 2024- RED News Bulletin 6/2024

The RED News Bulletin 06/2024, which contains the following items, is available in the RED News area:

  • Special System for Domestic Employees. New "Direct Debit" service.
  • Training contracts in alternation.
  • Students on training internships. Information on the TGSS website.
  • CASIA: New typologies of consultation-type cases.
  • RDL 1/2023. DA 47th LGSS. Reductions for contributions to occupational pension plans.
  • New version 4.0. of the National Social Security Institute Companies file (FIE)
  • Communication to the National Social Security Institute of the "Job Position" and "Description of Duties".
  • Correction of Design Errors of the txt file register for the communication of data on self-employed workers.

25/04/2024- Notice of SLD closure

Notice of SLD closure

Due to the implementation of new functionalities in the Direct Settlement System, we inform you that it will be closed from 30 April to 3 May. Information on the reopening of this will be provided in due course.
This stoppage will not affect the receipt of contribution files, but will affect their processing, so no responses will be sent until reopening.
The shutdown does not affect the files or affiliation services, which will remain open.

03/05/2024- SLD Opening

The Direct Settlement System is now operational.

03/06/2024- SLD Opening

It is reported that, after the closure that began on 1 June and once the new functionalities have been implemented, the RED Direct and SLD services are now open again.

04/06/2024- Practices DA52ª LGSS: Modification IDC-PL/CCC and "Consultation Current Status of the Affiliated person" of the Virtual Office.


With regard to the information included in the IDC-PL/CCC when it is a CCC with TRL 986 or 993, we inform you that the necessary modifications have been made so that, in addition to the brackets for which there is an obligation to contribute in accordance with the information in BNR05/2024, the brackets for which, due to the incompatibilities derived from section 11 of DA52ª LGSS, there is no obligation to contribute are shown.

In these cases -incompatible brackets-, the days with zeroes will be shown next to the bracket, and underneath the legend "EXCLU.DA52.11 LGSS".

This same legend will be shown in the +PL option of the Virtual Office consultation "Consultation Current Status of the Affiliated person".

19/06/2024- Issue Annotation Internship Days TRL993


Due to a technical problem, in the unpaid internships students registered in the CCCs with TRL 993, the Internship Days (Actual Intenship Days, Planned Intenship Days ITAT, Planned Intenship Days Direct Payment and Intenship Code), recorded between 21:17:54 on 13.06.2024 and 12:22:55 on 18.06.2024, have been deleted from the General Affiliation File.

The days may refer to the months of April, May and June.

The transactions that have been processed using the remittance method will be recovered from the AFI files affected by the issue and which we have stored in our databases.

Movements processed online through the Virtual Office cannot be recovered and we have no trace of them, so they will have to be re-machined. It is reminded that the deadline for processing these internship days is until the confirmation of the settlement, which in this case must be submitted in the month of July.

23/07/2024: RDL1/23: Art.25 Bonus for hiring or membership of trainees.

Article 25 of RDL 1/2023 of 10 January establishes a bonus for the "indefinite hiring or incorporation as a partner in the cooperative or labour company of persons who carry out practical training in companies by the company where they do it". In those cases in which the person responsible for the internships may not coincide with the company in which the internships have been carried out and which intends to proceed with the incentivised hiring, the worker must be registered as an ordinary worker - indefinite contracting or incorporation as a partner - without communicating the value 18 in the BENEFITS field, and request the application of the bonus for CASIA through the "CONTRAT.INDEF.PRÁCTICAS FORMAT.RDL 1/23” procedure located in the following route: Subject: Contribution/ Category: Provide supporting documentation/ Subcategory: CONTRAT.INDEF.PRÁCTICAS FORMAT.RDL 1/23.
It will be necessary to provide CASIA with the collaboration agreement between the entity in charge of the placement and the company in which the internship has been carried out.

19/08/2024- Incidence in the validation of FDI files (INSS)


Between 6 and 13 August, an incident occurred which generated an error (0070 USER/INCORRECT PASSWORD) in the validation of the FDI files sent to the INSS for the notification of the IT reports.
The incident has now been resolved, so all files sent after 8 p.m. on 13 August have been processed normally.

No action is required by RED users because the files affected by the incident will be processed automatically in the near future.

However, if you wish to submit a settlement that is affected by this incident, prior to the execution of this automatic process, you must send the FDI file again, changing its external name.

30 September 2024- RED News Bulletin 8/2024

The RED News Bulletin 08/2024, which contains the following items, is available in the RED News area:

  • ISM Order 835/2023, of 20 July. Workers posted abroad. "Special Region Country” new field.
  • New version of SILTRA 3.7.0.

03/10/2024- Release of New Version of SILTRA 3.7.1


A new version of SILTRA 3.7.1 will be available as of tomorrow, 4 October.

This version fixes an issue that occurs with version 3.7.0 in the validation of AFI version 9.5 files, related to DOM and LDD segments.

For users who are upgraded to version 3.6.0. or 3.7.0. the download will be automatic. Those with an older version will be offered a download of version 3.6.0 when they log in. Action may be taken in two ways:

  • Download version 3.6.0 from there, install version 3.6.0, close SILTRA, reconnect and download version 3.7.1.


  • Upgrade to the new version 3.7.1.manually.

Correction of errors in RED News Bulletin 07/2024

A "Correction of errors in RED News Bulletin 07/2024" is now available in the RED News area.

03/10/2024- Closure of SLD and RED Services on 5 October.

Due to the implementation of new functionalities in the Direct Settlement System, the SLD and RED Directo services will be closed on 5 October between 6:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. approximately.
This stoppage will not affect the receipt of contribution files, but will affect their processing, so no responses will be sent until reopening.
The shutdown does not affect the files or affiliation services, which will remain open.



It is reported that in the new version of SILTRA 3.7.0./3.7.1. an issue reported in version 3.6.0. on the FDI File Validation has been corrected.

In this new version, for the "DE" action, SILTRA validates the content of the "Type of contract" field together with the corresponding economic data (contribution bases, days...), so that, if the type of contract is not communicated, SILTRA understands by default that it is a full-time contract and validates in this sense.

10 October 2024- RED News Bulletin 9/2024

The RED News Bulletin 09/2024, which contains the following items, is available in the RED News area:

  • TRLGSS. ART. 19 bis. Additional Solidarity Contribution. Clarifications.
  • RDL 1/2023. ART. 17: Fixed-term contracts for the replacement of workers in certain cases. BNR Update 11/2023.
  • RDL 1/2023, ART. 18: Workers replaced during the situations of birth and care of a minor, co-responsible care of a breastfeeding minor, risk during pregnancy and risk during breastfeeding. BNR Update 11/2023.
  • TRLGSS. AD 52 New CASIA procedure. Allegations on discharge cancellation.
  • Validation of FDI files.

16/10/2024- Management of birth and care of a child abroad


It is reported that, in relation to the childbirth and childcare benefit when the birth takes place abroad and the parent is insured in our country, the following documentation has been published which indicates how companies and workers should act in this circumstance:

1. Instructions for action: This documentation is available on the Social Security website at the following link: Social Security: Useful Information (
2. Explanatory info-video available on the Social Security website: How to apply for the Childbirth and Childcare Benefit for children born abroad - Info Video - Social Security (

Complementary Content