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09/01/2020- Novedades RECEMA

The following modifications have been made to the online functionality of Birth and Child Care Certificates (RECEMA):

  • Ability to communicate successive periods – periods other than the initial period.
  • In the case of successive periods, the ability to communicate the percentage of part-time occupation.

At the moment, this functionality can only be carried out online. The remit mode is awaiting the publication of a new version of SILTRA/WINSUITE32.

  • Adaptation to the new duration of the benefit for the other parent from 01/01/2020 of 12 weeks.

A new version of the RECEMA User Manual is available in the section RED/INSS System/User Manuals.

05/02/2020- RED News Bulletin 01/2020

The RED News Bulletin 01/2020 is now available in the RED news area. It contains the following items:

  • News in the RED Authorised person telephone service.
  • New RECEMA user manual.
  • Port employment centres: no communication of transfers regarding port workers with an indefinite contract.
  • Optional sending of employee payroll. New service for obtaining definitive RNT.
  • Modification of the response file

06/03/2020- RED News Bulletin 02/2020

The RED News Bulletin 02/2020 is now available in the RED news area. It contains the following items:

  • Royal Decree-Law 5/2020 of 25th February adopting certain urgent measures in the field of agriculture and food.
  • Special Regime Revenue Refund Application Service
  • Benefit for co-responsible infant care

13/03/2020- RED News Bulletin 03/2020

The RED News Bulletin 03/2020 is now available in the RED news area. It contains the following items:

  • Royal Decree-Law 6/2020 of 10th March, adopting certain urgent measures in the economic field and for the protection of public health.
  • Royal Decree-Law 7/2020 of 12th March on urgent measures to respond to the economic impact of COVID-19.
  • COVID19: Reduction of face-to-face care and other measures.
  • Suspension of the putting into production of the modifications to the file schemes.

18/03/2020- RED News Bulletin 04/2020

The RED News Bulletin 04/2020 is now available in the RED news area. It contains the following items:

  • Royal Decree-Law 8/2020 Extraordinary emergency measures to address the economic and social impact of Covid-19. Exemption from contributions
  • Royal Decree 465/2020. Amendment of Royal Decree 463/2020, declaring a state of alarm for the management of the health crisis situation caused by Covid-19. Suspension of terms and interruption of deadlines.
  • Clarifications to Royal Decree-Law 6/2020 of 10 March adopting certain urgent measures in the economic area and for the protection of public health.

25/03/2020- RED News Bulletin 05/2020

The RED News Bulletin 05/2020 is now available in the RED news area. It contains the following items:

  • News on the TGSS Support Service.
  • Clarifications to Royal Decree-Law 6/2020 of 10 March adopting certain urgent measures in the economic area and for the protection of public health.
  • Extension of the deadline for the correction of registration data.
  • Submission of letters and applications through the electronic register.

27/03/2020 COVID-19: Inactivities V, W or X.

The communication of inactivities V, W or X for the identification of workers affected by the ERTE by COVID-19, can be made from 28th March by the usual procedures in the affiliation area.

27/03/2019 Extension of deadline for the elimination of consolidated terminations

The deadline for the elimination of consolidated terminations has been extended to the last day of the month of the Actual Termination Date.

30/03/2020- RED News Bulletin 06/2020

The RED News Bulletin 06/2020 is now available in the RED news area. It contains the following items:

  • Royal Decree-Law 8/2020 of 17th March on extraordinary urgent measures to deal with the economic and social impact of Covid-19. Suspension of contracts and working days due to force majeure (ERTE).
  • New features in RED Online Affiliation:
  • Extension of the deadline for elimination of consolidated terminations.
  • Modification in the means of entering certain special character values in the employment relationship field.
  • Covid-19. Actions in the area of temporary incapacity management. Suspension of the release of IT extension resolutions at the end of 365 days.
  • Clarifications to Royal Decree-Law 6/2020 of 10 March adopting certain urgent measures in the economic area and for the protection of public health.

03/04/2020- RED News Bulletin 07/2020

The RED News Bulletin 07/2020 is now available in the RED news area. It contains the following items:

  • Royal Decree-Law 11/2020, of 31st March: Enabling Authorised RED users .
  • Royal Decree Law 11/2020 of 31st March Moratoriums and deferrals. General aspects.
  • Royal Decree Law 11/2020 of 31st March Moratoriums on social security contributions.
  • Royal Decree-Law 11/2020 of 31st March: Deferrals of social security contributions.
  • Extension of the deadline for mechanisation of actual working days.
  • New period divisions during the IT situation of common contingencies delegated payment (PEC21).
  • Actions in the area of IT report management.
  • Updates on the TGSS Support Service. CASIA implementation

15/04/2020- RED News Bulletin 08/2020

The RED News Bulletin 08/2020 is now available in the RED news area. It contains the following items:

  • Basic aspects for the communication of  moratoriums, deferrals, ERTEs, reductions in working hours and other aspects. 
  • Royal Decree Law 8/2020 of 17th March COVID 19 Working day reduction.
  • Royal Decree-Law 8/2020 Clarification for the identification of the different types of ERTEs.  
  • Royal Decree-Law 8/2020 Clarification for the calculation of quotas in the different ERTEs.
  • Royal Decree-Law 11/2020 Deferral requests and action on settlements
  • Royal Decree Law 11/2020 of 31st March Moratoriums on social security  contributions. Moratorium requests for companies.
  • Royal Decree Law 11/2020 of 31st March Moratoriums on social security  contributions. Moratorium   requests for self-employed workers
  • Royal Decree-Law 13/2020 of 7 April adapting certain urgent measures on agricultural employment.
  • Actions in the area of IT (Temporary Disability) report management: Instructions modification.
  • Modification in the means of entering character value 9916 in the special employment relationship field.
  • Extension of the deadline for the elimination of consolidated deregistrations in March.
  • Extension of the deadline for the mechanisation of retroactive Part-Time Coefficients.
  • RED 7/2020 News Bulletin Correction of errors in the Royal Decree-Law 11/2020 section, of 31st March: Moratoriums and deferrals. general aspects.

18/12/2020- RED News Bulletin 20/2020

The RED News Bulletin 20/2020 is now available in the RED news area. It contains the following items:

  • Modification in the ambit of contributions for workers with part-time contracts with a concentration of the provision of services in periods shorter than the registration periods.

  • Modification to calculating the regulatory payment period date in L03 settlements "retroactive payment of wages".

  • Termination of the maintenance of the Winsuite32 application  in the ambit of Affiliation, INSS and CRA.

  • Annex 1: Examples of concentrated part-time workers' contributions


09/12/2020- ERTE clarifications Royal Decree Law 30/2020 of 29 September: Values of Responsible Declaration communicated to the CCC, inactivities communicated to workers and application of exemption

Outline table: Responsible Declaration CPC, inactivity value communicated to the worker, (*) application of the exemption as detailed below.

CPC 67 
B4 (*1) 
C1 (*1) 
C7 (*1)
D4 (*5)
E1 (*5)
E7 (*5)
 F4 (*5) 
G1 (*5)
B5 (*2)
C2 (*2)
C8 (*2)
D5 (*7)
E2 (*7)
E8 (*7)
F5 (*7)
G2 (*7)
B6 (*3)
C3 (*3)
C9 (*3)
D6 (*6)
E3 (*6)
E9 (*6) 
F6 (*6)
G3 (*6)
B7 (*4)

D1 (*4) 
 D7 (*8)
E4 (*8)
F1 (*8)
F7 (*8)
G4 (*8)
B8 (*1)

D2 (*1)
D8 (*5) 
E5 (*5)
F2 (*5) 
F8 (*5)
G5 (*5)
B9 (*2)

D3 (*2)
D9 (*7)
E6 (*7)
F3 (*7)
F9 (*7) 
G6 (*7)

Inactivities relating to the Responsible Declarations CPC 067 and 068 (under sections 1 and 2 of Article 2 of RDL.30/2020, as well as CPC 062 under section 2 of the first additional provision of RDL 30/2020): The exemption applies only for the periods and days the activity is suspended (ERTE).

For this reason:

(*1) Total suspension of activity:

B4 - B8 - C1: Exoneration part in ERTE suspension: 90% - 100%, depending on the number of employees in the company.

C7 - D2: Exoneration part in ERTE suspension: October 90% - 100%, November 80% - 90%, December 75% - 85%, January 70% - 80%, depending on the number of employees in the company.

(*2) Partial suspension of activity: 

B5 - B9 - C2: Exoneration part in ERTE suspension: 90% - 100%, depending on the number of employees in the company

C8 – D3: Exoneration part in ERTE suspension: October 90% - 100%, November 80% - 90%, December 75% - 85%, January 70% - 80%, depending on the number of employees in the company.

(*3) Full restart of activity: B6 - C3 - C9: No exemption

(*4) Partial restart of activity: 

B7: Exoneration part ERTE suspension: 90% - 100% depending on the number of employees in the company.

D1: Exoneration part in ERTE suspension: October 90% - 100%, November 80% - 90%, December 75% - 85%, January 70% - 80%, depending on the number of employees in the company.

Responsible declarations CPC 069, 070, 071, 072, 073 (based on the First Additional Provision of RDL 30/2020) and the inactivities corresponding to them: They are exempted during periods of suspension for the part and working day suspended and during periods of reactivation for the part worked.

The criterion upheld, as in previous RDLs regulating exemptions from employer contributions for ERTE, applies the exemptions for the part worked only in respect of workers who have returned to work.
Therefore, in the inactivity values (D5 – D9 - E2 – E6 - E8 – F3 – F5 – F9 – G2 – G6) identifying situations of partial ERTE, exoneration is only applicable in respect of the suspended part of the working day.

For this reason:

(*5) Full suspension: D4 – D8 - E1 – E5 – E7 – F2 – F4 – F8 – G1 – G5: Exoneration part in ERTE suspension: 75% - 85%, depending on the number of employees in the company.

(*6) Full restart: D6 – E3 – E9 – F6 – G3: Exemption of part worked, 75% - 85%, depending on the number of employees in the company.

(*7) Partial suspension: D5 – D9 - E2 – E6 - E8 – F3 – F5 – F9 – G2 – G6: The System only applies the exemption to the suspended activity part, 75% - 85%, depending on the number of workers in the company.

(*8) Partial restart: D7 – E4 – F1 – F7 – G4: The System applies the exemption to the suspended activity and the restarted part, 75% - 85%, depending on the number of workers in the company.

01/12/2020- New version of SILTRA

A new version of SILTRA(version 2.3.1) will be released tomorrow, 2 December.
Please remember that SILTRA will automatically update during delivery and no manual update is necessary. However, it will also be available for download from the software area of the RED System.
This version of SILTRA contains the new feature that both the installation and update software is signed with the digital certificate of the GISS (Social Security IT Management), which allows the user to verify the integrity and authenticity of the installation/update package.
This version also resolves the issues detected in version 2.3.0 related to printing (massive RNT printing by NAF, printing negative amount of RLC and error when printing RNT if the path has tildes).
Further information is available in the section Notas acerca de la versión 2.3.1. The Installation Manual has also been updated so that users know how to verify the source of the software.

30/11/2020- Cutting of Services


Please be informed that due to updates, the SLD  and RED Directo services will be closed from 30 November at 20.00 until 3 December at 12.00 hours.
This stoppage will not affect the receipt of contribution files, but will affect their processing. Files received after 20:00 today will not be processed, and a reply will therefore not be sent until 3 December.

17/11/2020- Situations of ERTE and T.D. or Childbirth or Childcare


With the aim of clarifying and improving the management in situations of TD/childbirth/childcare and ERTE, regardless of their nature, for the settlement periods from October 2020 to January 2021 and onwards, the system will apply the following compatibility criteria:

Temporary Disability
For workers in a TD and ERTE situation, in general, the system makes the worker's contribution characteristics relating to ERTE and exoneration prevail, therefore:

  • Worker in full ERTE that is followed by a TD situation:  The system will give preference to the characteristics relating to ERTE, suspension and, where appropriate, exoneration, over those relating to TD.
  • TD worker that is followed by an ERTE situation:   The system gives preference to the characteristics relating to ERTE, suspension and, where appropriate, exoneration, when what is to be applied are only the characteristics of TD until its termination.  It is therefore necessary to request (*) the regularisation of the characteristics to eliminate those of ERTE and exoneration and apply those of TD until medical discharge, generating those of ERTE and, if applicable, exoneration after the end of the TD.
  • In partial ERTE, the system will simultaneously apply the characteristics of ERTE and, if applicable, exoneration together with the characteristics of TD. 

Birth and childcare

  • Full ERTE followed by full Maternity/Paternity leave:  The contribution characteristics of the ERTE worker and, if applicable, exemption, prevail.
  • Full Maternity/Paternity leave followed by a full ERTE:  The system applies the characteristics of ERTE and, where appropriate, exemption, when childbirth and childcare should prevail. It is therefore necessary to request (*) the regularisation of the worker's contribution characteristics so that the characteristic for the childbirth and childcare is applied.
  • Full ERTE followed by partial Maternity/Paternity leave:  The system would make the worker's contribution characteristics compatible, but the situation seems incongruous, so in this case, before reporting partial Maternity/Paternity leave, the employer should check with the bodies on which these benefits depend to see if they are appropriate.
  • Partial Maternity/Paternity leave followed by a full ERTE:  The situations are compatible, and the system makes the worker's contribution characteristics compatible.
  • Partial ERTE followed by full Maternity/Paternity leave:  It will be necessary to request (*) the regularisation of the worker's contribution characteristics to allow, where applicable, the exoneration of workers who access a full childbirth and childcare benefit from a partial ERTE situation.
  • Full Maternity/Paternity leave followed by a partial ERTE situation:  In this case the characteristics of childbirth and childcare must prevail, which the system will apply.
  • Partial ERTE followed by partial Maternity/Paternity leave:  The situations are compatible, and the system makes the worker's contribution characteristics compatible.
  • Partial maternity/parental leave followed by partial ERTE:  The situations are compatible, and the system makes the worker's contribution characteristics compatible.

(*) The request for regularisation of the worker's contribution characteristics in the aforementioned cases will be made by the authorised RED via the RED Online System, registering a Case in the Authorised Person's Assistance Service (CASIA). As Case Type select "Process", as Subject select "Registration and Deregistration of Active Contributor Status", as Category select "Change workers employed by another person details", as Subcategory select "ERTE-Special Situations and 406".

It should also be noted that the Social Security Treasury General (TGSS) can only provide information on the obligation to present the contribution, either by the employer or the employee, when this presentation is the responsibility of the employer. Queries regarding the payment of benefits to the worker and/or the presentation of the corresponding contribution, when these are not paid by the employer, either due to temporary incapacity, childbirth and childcare or ERTE, should be addressed to the bodies on which these benefits depend.

22/10/2020- Clarification BNR19/2020 Royal Decree-Law 30/2020. Article 2.Section 1: Workforce Adjustment Plans due to disability.


Communication of the identification of the workers and the period of the suspension or reduction of working hours.

The identification of the workers, period of the suspension or reduction of working hours and restarting of the activity referred to in Section 1 of Article 2 of Royal Decree-Law 30/2020, shall be carried out exclusively using the TYPE OF INACTIVITY field values indicated below:


The values C4, C5 and C6 included by error in the RESPONSIBLE DECLARATIONS SCHEME -CPC- AND WORKER COMMUNICATIONS -INACTIVITY TYPE- will not be available.

16/10/2020- RED News Bulletin 19/2020

The RED News Bulletin 19/2020 is now available in the RED news area. It contains the following items:

  • Royal Decree-Law 30/2020: Article 1.
  • Royal Decree-Law 30/2020. Article 2. Section 1: Workforce adjustment plans due to disability.
  • Royal Decree-Law 30/2020. Section 2 of Article 2: Workforce adjustment plans due to limitations.
  • Royal Decree-Law 30/2020. First Additional Provision: Companies in sectors with a high ERTE coverage rate and a low activity recovery rate. Paragraph 3.a) Companies with activity classified in some of the CNAE-09 Codes of the Annex to the Royal Decree-Law to which the ERTE is automatically extended based on Article 22 of Royal Decree-Law 8/2020.
  • Royal Decree-Law 30/2020. First Additional Provision: Paragraph 3.a) Companies whose business depends on the companies referred to in the previous paragraph or which form part of their value chain.
  • Royal Decree-Law 30/2020. First Additional Provision: Paragraph 3.b) Companies with activity classified in some of the CNAE-09 codes in the Annex to the Royal Decree-Law, which transition from a force majeure ERTE to an ETOP ERTE.
  • Royal Decree-Law 30/2020: First Additional Provision: Paragraph 3.c) Companies with activity classified in some of the CNAE-09 Codes of the Annex to the Royal Decree-Law, which are holders of an ERTE based on Article 23 of Royal Decree-Law 8/2020, referred to in Article 4.2 of Royal Decree-Law 24/2020.
  • Royal Decree-Law 30/2020: First Additional Provision: Paragraph 3.d) Companies qualified as dependent or part of the value chain transitioning from a force majeure ERTE to an ETOP ERTE.
  • ERTE based on section 2 of the First Additional Provision of Royal Decree-Law 24/2020.
  • Scheme of Responsible Declarations -CPC- and communications on workers -Inactivity Type-.
  • Form of identification of the workers for whom contribution exemptions were applicable until 30 September 2020 under the provisions of Royal Decree Law 24/2020.
  • Other aspects.
  • Common aspects.
  • Update of payment settlements: New economic concepts.

09/10/2020- Incidence with affiliation remittances. Error 5017".

Due to an IT issue at the Social Security General Treasury, yesterday's affiliation movements submitted through remittances were rejected. The error returned was 5017 INACTIVITY TYPE, INCORRECT VALUE OR NOT ALLOWED.
This problem has now been fixed. Movements that were rejected will be reprocessed, so new responses will be received for the same movements.

06/10/2020- RED News Bulletin 18/2020

The RED News Bulletin 18/2020 is now available in the RED news area. It contains the following items:

  • Royal Decree-Law 30/2020 of 29 September on social measures in defence of employment.
  • Implementation of new functionalities in the ambit of contributions.
  • Implementation of new functionalities in the ambit of affiliation.
  • Implementation of new functionalities in the ambit of the INSS.
  • New version of Siltra 2.3.0
  • Automatic deregistration of bank accounts for debiting due to inactivity for a period of 36 months.
  • Update of the Technical Instructions Manual.
  • Inclusion of the procedures related to managing RED Authorisations in CASIA.

01/10/2020- Update of the documentation related to RED Authorisation Management Procedures.

In the RED Authorised Person Service, CASIA (Coordination, Attention and Integral Support for the RED Authorised Person), the documentation relating to the RED Authorisation Management Procedures has been updated in the CASIA Procedures Documentation and the Technical Matters case form section .

The updated documentation relates to the following procedures:

  • Application for Change of Transmission Medium.
  • Application for Change of Main User of a RED Authorisation.
  • Application for Change of Type of RED Authorisation.
  • Application for Change of Address of RED Authorisation.
  • Application for Change of Company Name of a RED Authorisation.

In the documents for each procedure, there is a link to the appropriate form to make the corresponding application.

The Usage manual for the CASIA service has also been updated and is published on the Social Security website at the following address: Useful Information/RED/CASIA system: Coordination, Attention and Integral Support to the RED Authorised Person/Manuals and Dissemination.

28/08/2020- Waiver of COVID ERTE exemptions - Dividend Distribution

As a continuation of what is indicated in BNR 17/2020, of 25 August, on the waiver of the exemptions in the company contribution established for the COVID ERTEs due to the company having opted to distrIbute dividends, and the requirement of the annotation of the CONTRIBUTION CHARACTERISTIC CAUSE CPC 064 in the complementary file of accounts, we inform that, to simplify the management, a process will be carried out daily from day 2 that will automatically register CPC 064 in ALL CCCs associated as main-secondary of the CCC that currently had it mechanised, as long as these CCCs have the same NIF.

This new process will make it unnecessary to communicate the waiver individually for each of the company's CCCs, and it will be sufficient to request it through CASIA for the main CCC. The waiver shall be understood to have been made with respect to all the associated CCCs that have the same NIF. Only in the event that there are secondary CCCs with a different tax number than the main CCC, must an individualised waiver request for each CCC with a different tax number be submitted through CASIA.

In line with this change, the CASIA waiver form FC.064has been amended.

27/08/2020- Closure of CASIA services

We inform you that CASIA services will be closed today due to technical problems, we are sorry for the inconvenience.

25/08/2020- RED News Bulletin 17/2020

The RED News Bulletin 17/2020 is now available in the RED news area. It contains the following items:

  • Royal Decree-Law 24/2020: Procedure for paying the amount of exemptions as a consequence of the provisions of Article 5.2.  Distribution of Dividends.
  • Clarifications New Bulletin 15/2020.
  • Consultation File of Exempt Amounts Calculations.
  • Extension of Predoctoral Contracts (D.A.14.RDL15/2020)-Additional Affiliation 433.
  • Modification of SLD File Schemas.

08/08/2020- Intervention on SLD remittances

Please be informed that on Saturday, 8 August, from 00:00 to 22:00 the same day, actions will be taken that will affect remittances on the Direct Settlement System due to the implementation of new features. Users will be able to send/download files but will not be able to obtain responses until the service – and therefore the processing of the files – is restored. Information on the restoration of services will be provided in due course.
This shutdown will not affect the online SLD and RED Directo services, which will remain operational.

31/07/2020-Opening of new Procedures

Three new procedures have been included in the service for the RED Authorised Person, CASIA (Coordination, Attention and Integral Support for the RED Authorised Person) with Subject Company Registration and Category Change of data. The procedures are:

  • Responsible Declaration F.D.Turismo.
  • Responsible Declaration 062.
  • Responsible Declaration 064.

As additional information, the documents corresponding to each procedure and the Responsible Declaration forms to be provided have been published in the Documentación trámites CASIA y formulario casos Materia Técnica section.

24/07/2020- Tourism sector company rebates


Means of filing the responsible declaration:

  • Companies with activities in the tourism sector with CNAE 79XX, must be registered by Users of the RED System. From today, 24 July, the registration of this CPC 017 by the RED users of these companies is enabled.
  • Companies in the trade and hotel and catering sector, CCC identified with CNAE09 values: 55XX and 56XX and trade with a link to tourism, RED users may NOT register the responsible declaration. They will have to file the responsible declaration through the corresponding CASIA Service procedure, for its registration by TGSS and ISM Users, in the cases where such a link is verified. Throughout next week, starting on 27 July, the procedure for the RED users filing the responsible declaration will be available.


SAA 420 reporting deadlines:

From today, 24 July, it is possible  to register the corresponding SAA 420.

The reporting deadline for the JULY SAA 420 will be extended to 30 August 2020.

August, September and October 2020: The deadlines for communication shall be as follows:

  • Prior communication: up to 60 days from the DATE OF registering TYPE SAA 420.
  • All other communications: For the entire calendar month corresponding to the START DATE and up to the penultimate day of the Regulatory Payment Period.

16/07/2020- RED News Bulletin 16/2020

The RED News Bulletin 16/2020 is now available in the RED news area. It contains the following items:

  • Royal Decree-Law 25/2020: Royal Decree-Law 8/2019: support measures to extend active periods for workers with permanent fixed term contracts in the tourism, commerce and hospitality sectors related to tourist activity.
  • CASIA news (Coordination, Attention and Integral Support for the RED Authorised Person).
  • Clarifications New Bulletin 15/2020.
  • Correction of errors in RED News Bulletin 15/2020: Royal Decree-Law 24/2020. Article 4.1. Responsible declarations and communications.
  • Correction of errors in RED News Bulletins 11/2020 and 15/2020: Filing of a responsible declaration.
  • Mechanisation of Inactivities ONLINE.

16/07/2020- CASIA: implementation of new controls

New controls have been implemented in the RED Authorised Person Service, CASIA (Coordination, Attention and Integral Support for the RED Authorised Person) aimed at guaranteeing the quality of the additional data communicated, thus avoiding the opening of cases with insufficient or erroneous information that require new information be requested, implying a delay in their resolution.

The controls established are based on the obligation to fill in certain additional data depending on the type of case, subject, category and sub-category, the correspondence between them and the format validations. In addition, in cases of type "Process", a single line will be displayed to report additional data, so that the automatic filing of the documentation in the electronic file corresponding to the CCC/NAF is made possible.

To consult the additional data that must be reported in each case, you can consult the Manual para la utilización del servicio CASIA published on the Social Security website at  the following path: Useful Information/RED/CASIA System: Coordination, Attention and Integral Support to the RED Authorised Person/Manuals and Dissemination. However, it is recommended that as much data as possible be provided.

06/07/2020- RED News Bulletin 15/2020

The RED News Bulletin 15/2020 is now available in the RED news area. It contains the following items:

  • Royal Decree-Law 24/2020: Title I - II - Social agreement in defence of employment: social measures to reactivate employment
  • Royal Decree-Law 24/2020: Article 4.1. Responsible declarations and communications.
  • Notification of the Labour and Social Security Inspectorate in relation to company obligations linked to COVID-19 ERTEs.
  • Royal Decree-Law 24/2020: Title II - Measures to support Self-employed Workers-.
  • Royal Decree-Law 15/2020: Formalisation of Temporary Disability with Mutua Colaboradora.
  • New service for obtaining duplicate copies of the resolutions for registration or deregistration in the Special System for Domestic Employees.
  • Social Security affiliation: Business obligation. Application through CASIA.
  • Modification of SLD file schemas.
  • Extension of deadlines for the RED System in July and August.

02/07/2020- New service to communicate the change of INSS to a Mutual Society for RETA workers.

For self-employed workers who are still protected by the economic benefit for temporary disability with the INSS, the Tenth Additional Provision of Royal Decree-Law 15/2020 establishes a three-month period from the end of the State of Emergency to opt for a collaborating Mutual Society, which will end on 21 September 2020. This change from INSS to Mutual Society shall take effect from 1 November 2020.

To make it possible to opt for a collaborating Mutual Society under the terms indicated, the Service already available on the RED System has been adapted to request the annual change of coverage in the RETA. This adaptation will allow the Service indicated to be used both to request a change of Mutual Society for a different one for the following year, and to proceed with the option for a Mutual Society by the self-employed person who is with the INSS, with the System itself, in both cases, automatically assigning the effective date as follows:

  • Where the self-employed person to whom the change request refers is included in the FGA with the Mutual Society as 777 (INSS), the System will assign 1 November 2020 as the effective date of the option.
  • Where the self-employed person to whom the change request refers is registered in the FGA with a Mutual Society other than 777 (INSS), the date of the change will automatically be 1 January 2021.

22/06/2020- COVID-19. Actions in the scope of managing Temporary Disability

As the state of emergency decreed in RD 463/2020 ended on 21 June, the National Social Security Institute  will, as of 1 July, once again summon workers for medical examinations when it is foreseeable that 365 days of TD may be exceeded, in exercising the powers attributed in Art. 170.2 of the Consolidated Text of the General Law on Social Security.

Where the exercising of the powers set out in the aforementioned article agrees to extend the TD or prolong the effects of the TD, the obligation to make the delegated payment of the TD benefit shall cease under the terms set out in the notification made for this purpose.

Where workers who are currently receiving the TD benefit in a delegated payment in a process of more than 365 days as a result of the TD extension decisions issues being suspended during the state of emergency, they must remain in the same situation until the end of the TD process.

17/06/2020- New RED system error: "155 INCORRECT CONTINGENCY".

A new error has been created for the rejection of TD reports in the RED system. The wording of this new error is: "155 INCORRECT CONTINGENCY".

It will be returned where the intention is to transmit a TD report whose contingency does not match the one held at that time in the Social Security databases.

This error has been in operation since 8 June.

15/06/2020- Modifications to the FIE file

In the design of the INSSEMPRESAS (FIE) file, the wording of field 1170 has been modified to become: SPS, MCSS, INSS, RED with possible values: S or blank space.

In this field, the cancellations of sick leave reports made by the Public Health Services, the MCSS, the INSS or via the RED system shall be communicated. Possible values shall be "S" (when the deregistration report has been cancelled) or blank. The cancellation of this sick leave report will mean that the TD process, whose date of sick leave is indicated in field 1020, will be eliminated from the INSS database.

05/06/2020- RED News Bulletin 14/2020

The RED News Bulletin 14/2020 is now available in the RED news area. It contains the following items:

  • Extended information Royal Decree-Law 18/2020.
  • Start of the communication of responsible declarations.

29/05/2020- RED News Bulletin 13/2020

The RED News Bulletin 13/2020 is now available in the RED news area. It contains the following items:

  •  Further information Royal Decree-Law 18/2020: new types of inactivity associated with situations of total  or partial suspension due to COVID-19 force majeure.
  • New division of tranches during the situation of TD common contingencies, delegated payment (Characteristic 21).
  • Correction of errors in BNR 11/2020 and 12/2020

22/05/2020- INSS. Extension of deadlines to modify TD data reports

The deadline has been extended for companies to modify the data on temporary disability reports modified by the Public Health Service,  and which had previously been sent by the RED system, up to a maximum period of 90 days after the first communication, both by the RED REMESAS system (FDI file) and by RED ONLINE.

It is intended this way that companies can transmit the correct economic data, when necessary, if there is a change of contingency due to a change in the medical diagnosis of the temporary disability process.

19/05/2020- RED News Bulletin 12/2020

The RED News Bulletin 12/2020 is now available in the RED news area. It contains the following items:

  • Clarifications to RED News Bulletin 11/2020
  • Compatibility of childbirth and childcare benefits while part-time and unemployment benefits.

14/05/2020- RED News Bulletin 11/2020

The RED News Bulletin 11/2020 is now available in the RED news area. It contains the following items:

  • Royal Decree-Law 18/2020: Social measures in defence of employment.
  • Royal Decree-Law 18/2020: Requirements for the application of exemptions.
  • Royal Decree-Law 18/2020: Responsible declaration on the situation of total or partial force majeure arising from COVID-19.
  • Royal Decree-Law 18/2020: Identification of workers to whom exemptions apply.
  • Royal Decree-Law 18/2020: Communication in respect of workers whose work contract has been suspended or working hours reduced.
  • Royal Decree-Law 18/2020: Communication in respect of workers fully or partially resuming their activity in situations of partial force majeure
  • General aspects of the contribution exemptions regulated in Article 24 of Royal Decree-Law 8/2020 and Article 4 of Royal Decree-Law 18/2020.
  • Deferments: Clarifications.
  • Appendix I: Exemptions applicable to persons with inactivity type "V", "W" or "X". Contribution characteristics.
  • Appendix II: Exemptions applicable to persons with inactivity type "R" or "S". Contribution characteristics.
  • Appendix III: Example.

30/04/2020- RED News Bulletin 10/2020

The RED News Bulletin 10/2020 is now available in the RED news area. It contains the following items:

  • Order ISM/371/2020, of 24 April, implementing Article 34 of Royal Decree Law 11/2020, of 31 March, which adopts urgent complementary measures in the social and economic field to deal with COVID-19.
  • COVID-19 force majeure ERTE and situations of medical leave and childbirth and childcare.
  • ERTE and risks due to pregnancy or breastfeeding.

27/04/2020- RED News Bulletin 09/2020

The RED News Bulletin 09/2020 is now available in the RED news area. It contains the following items:

  • Royal Decree Law 15/2020 of 21 April Reductions to contributions for agricultural workers during periods of inactivity.
  • Royal Decree-Law 15/2020: Self-employed workers. Option for a Collaborating Mutual Society.
  • Royal Decree-Law 15/2020: Deferment on the payment of Social Security debts.
  • Royal Decree-Law 8/2020 of 17 March on extraordinary urgent measures to address the economic and social impact of COVID-19. Clarification on the identification of certain contract suspensions and reductions in working hours due to force majeure arising from COVID-19.
  • Communication of Actual Working Days of agricultural workers during situations of suspension of contract or reduction of working hours.
  • RED News Bulletin 8/2020 Correction of a typo in the clarification section for the identification of the different types of ERTEs.
  • CASIA News (Coordination, Attention and Integral Support for the RED Authorised Person).
  • Useful information on the website - section COVID-19.
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