14/01//2022- RED News Bulletin 1/2022
The RED News Bulletin 1/2022 is now available in the RED news area. It contains the following items:
- Royal Decree Law 32/2021, of 28 December, on urgent measures for employment reform, the guarantee of employment stability and the transformation of the labour market. Training contracts. Identification. Contribution benefits.
- Royal Decree 32/2021. Contracts for specific works or services.
- Royal Decree 32/2021. Permanent-intermittent contracts.
- Royal Decree 32/2021. Modification of article 47 of the Workers' Statute.
- Royal Decree 32/2021. Creation of Article 47 bis of the Workers' Statute.
- Royal Decree 32/2021. Modification of art.151 LGSS -Additional contribution-.
- Royal Decree 32/2021. Creation of art. 153 bis LGSS - Contribution during the situation of suspension or reduction of working hours due to Erte.
- Royal Decree 32/2021. Additional Provision 39 LGSS - Contribution benefits applicable to Erte and RED mechanism-.
- Royal Decree 32/2021. Additional Provision 43 LGSS - Contribution to training contracts in alternation-.
- Royal Decree 32/2021. Erte due to impairment or limitation to standardised activity linked to COVID-19.
- Royal Decree 32/2021. Repeal provision.
- Law 22/2021: Most relevant aspects of the LPGE 2022 in relation to Social Security contributions.
- Law 22/2021: Additional contribution for the mossos d'esquadra and the Navarre regional police. Actions to be carried out.
- Law 21/2021, on guaranteeing the purchasing power of pensions and other measures to reinforce the financial and social sustainability of the Public Pension System.
- Royal Decree-Law 29/2021, adopting urgent measures in the energy field to promote electric mobility, self-consumption and the deployment of renewable energies.
- Annex I. RDL 32/2021, of 28 December, on urgent measures for labour reform, guaranteeing employment stability and transforming the labour market.
- Appendix II. Law 22/2021, of General State Budgets for 2022.