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Contenido principal

Health Care Benefits

Even though it is a benefit which is in principle non-financial, it is included in this table of protective action, both due to their obvious impact it has on the finances of the protected individual, as has been previously stated, and because the responsibility for granting the entitlement corresponds to the INSS and the ISM, in relation to the Special Scheme for Sea Worker, although the health care is implemented by the applicable independent body or the INGESA services.

The aim of the benefit is to provide medical and pharmaceutical services intended to preserve or restore the health of the beneficiaries, as well as their ability to work in the case of working people.

The beneficiaries are affiliated workers with active contributor status, pensioners and people on benefits, as well as their dependent family members (spouse, descendents, ascendents, etc.) who live with them and do not receive an income greater than the public income indicator with multiple effects (€532.51/month).

Entitlement occurs on the day after that on which the application for active contributor status was submitted or, where appropriate, from the date pensions started being received or the application date.

The preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, rehabilitation, and health improvement and maintenance services or group of services intended for citizens are considered to be health care benefits of the National Health System.

The list of National Health System benefits, includes benefits for public health, primary care, specialist care, social health care, emergency care, pharmaceutical products, ortho-prosthetics, dietary products and health care transport.

The health care benefits in the list are implemented through the portfolio of services agreed within the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System.

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