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Management / Control

Management, administration and control

The management, administration and control of contributory pensions for beneficiaries included within the scope of the Special Scheme for Sea Workers is generally carried out by the National Social Security Institute (INSS) and the Social Marine Institute (ISM).

These institutions have the power to recognise the right to receive a pension and to guarantee that all the necessary conditions are met in order to maintain the granted pension.

Register of Public Social Services

This is a basic instrument in Social Security management, since the computerised handling of the corresponding data allows, on the one hand, a more agile and efficient management of the benefit for those entitled to and applying for social benefits, while it also allows permanent control of the maintenance of the entitlement to the benefits and it facilitates the means for tackling illegitimate use of social benefits and fraud.


It is constituted in the National Social Security Office (INSS), which is responsible for the files.


Its purpose is to register the economic welfare benefits for individuals and families, paid by public funds.

Obligation to Provide Data:

The organisations, bodies and companies required to provide data to the Register are those included in the Catalogue published in the BOE by means of the corresponding resolution of the INSS.


Its management and operation is the responsibility of the INSS.

Exercising of Rights by those Affected:

The right to access the files in the Register, as well as to correct and remove data, is personal and may only be exercised by the affected party or their legal representative, with the limitations provided for in Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on Personal Data Protection (BOE 14/12).

Denial of Access, Correction and Removal:

The rights to access, correct and remove are denied under certain circumstances regulated in articles 15.3, 23.1 and 2, and 24.2 of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December.

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