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Direct debit from a bank account

How can a direct deposit be set up?

By entering the value "C" in the MPG  section on the form and correctly filling in the bank and account holder details.

If an application is made for direct deposit and I do not agree with the TC1 calculated by the TGSS, can the direct deposit be cancelled? How can a TC1 be paid?

Users can cancel an application for direct debit up to the 18th day of the collection month, or the working day before this date.

The cancellation request should be done by sending the appropriate documentation via fax to the User Support Centre.

If you cancel the application you should make the payment to the Financial Institution before the end of the regulation collection period.

If an application has been made for direct deposit, does this mean that after that month all payments will be made by direct deposit? Can bank account details be changed from one month to another?

No, an application for this method of payment must be made on each document. Therefore, in order to avoid using direct debit, you just need to leave option 'C' (direct debit request) blank in the MPG  section for the month that you do not wish to make the payment by this method. 

Yes, the bank account details can be changed from one month to another simply by changing them in the FAN file.

In a FAN file, must an MPG segment be included with a request for direct deposit and the account details for each Contribution Account Code or is it enough to put it on the form just once?

The MPG  section must be correctly filled in for each company that wishes to use direct debit. Therefore, in an FAN file that includes a number of different Contribution Account Codes, some MPG sections can include the direct debit request and others not.
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